My name is Tracey Phillips, I am 38 years old and am the owner of Bridal Designs Wedding Jewellery. I design and handcraft bridal jewellery with Sterling silver and Swarovski crystal.
Where did the idea of running this as a business come from?
I was working in a jewellery shop and started studying the jewellery closely - how the stones were attached and the wire looped, I was curious as to how it was done and started looking on the internet for jewellery making instructions. After a lot of practice I made up a few pieces, my sister saw them and asked if I could make her a necklace for her wedding. After changing her mind a few times (brides/womans prerogative!) and after she had chosen her necklace I ended up with quite a collection of different necklaces with no homes. I bravely decided to approach a local wedding shop t see if they would be interested in stocking the jewellery. I was terrified walking into the shop but they said on the spot that they would be interested and I’m still working with them 2 years later,along with others. A year ago I decided to make the move to online selling also and set up my website.
What do you love most about your business?
I love working for myself and I love the feedback I get from brides-It’s the biggest day of their lives and they have allowed me a part of that. I always feel privileged.
What would you like to change?
I’d like to know more about websites so that I could do more to it myself…unfortunately I am quite technically challenged!
What is your aim for the next year?
I have no delusions of world domination-I would just like to be recognised as someone who makes quality jewellery and cares about her customers.
Where do you ultimately see yourself?
As a recognised name in the Bridal market and successful enough to have someone on call 24/7 to sort my website for me!
What are your Top 5 tips for new Business Women?
Tip 1 Don’t let people tell you you can’t succeed
Tip 2 Don’t tell yourself you can’t succeed!
Tip 3 Use Twitter and Facebook-Invaluable for contacts
Tip 4 Listen to yourself-if something doesn’t feel right it’s probably not
Tip 5 Carry your business cards everywhere you go and if you make something wearable-wear it! You are your own best walking advert
How do we contact you?
I can be contacted via my website at or you can email me at; I can also be found on Facebook at or on Twitter at
Thanks so much for talking to us today Tracey - your designs are absolutely wonderful!!
Remember to check out our blog next Friday for another Feature Friday article - if you would like your company featured, please drop us an email at and put the words "Feature Friday" in the subject line.